GOODBYE 2017, HELLO 2018

by - December 31, 2017

I'm having one of those evenings where you find yourself thinking about everything and anything. So, I've decided to write a post to take my mind in a different direction. 
This year has been one of the best years of my life. Probably the best. Firstly, after a lot of saving, in the summer, Peter & I finally bought and got the keys to our own house. Sometimes, that itself hasn't sunk in. I'll be sat watching TV during the evening and just think, we bought this house, we actually did it. You think you're never going to get there, that your deposit won't ever build up. Or that you won't find the right place, because you keep viewing houses and they just don't have that feeling. But eventually, the deposit is ready and you find the perfect place. 

Secondly, after 18 months of constant planning... I married the best guy. 
M a r r i e d. 
I know. I'm still taking it in myself.. and it's amazing. Every single day. Just amazing.
What do I want to achieve in 2018? What are my goals and aspirations? 
Honestly? I'm not entirely sure. I don't have any specific goals. Though one thing I will mention, is a change in career. Possibly start in a new direction; I want new challenges. Aside from that, I'm ready to take every day in 2018 as it comes... and see where it takes me. 
What are your goals and resolutions for the New Year? (Oh, I also need to eat all the leftover Christmas chocolate by tomorrow night.. cool.)

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  1. Aww Congratulations :) Sounds like 2017 was an amazing year! Good luck on the job hunt too, I too am looking to change job :) X
