by - August 21, 2017

You might already know exactly which venue you want for your wedding, or your dream venue is out there and you've yet to find it. I thought I'd do a post on my experience of choosing our wedding venue and how to find your perfect place. 
[Image Credit: The Knot]
1. Choose Your Location
Where do you want to get married? You might want to stay local, or there might be a place that is special to you and your partner where you would like to get married. A certain town might have caught your eye, or maybe you want to go abroad. Your location will have a huge impact on everything else you need to plan, such as photographers in the area, stylists that can travel. There are many factors to consider, so whatever your preference is, once you are set on your location, the research can be begin.
2. Decide On Your Venue Type
What type of venue do you want? Are you after a church hall, a country house, one of your favourite hotels? Whilst there are certain types of venues that fall within 'wedding' category, you really aren't limited as to what you pick. Most venues will be happy to host your reception, so even if they don't advertise specifically, ask!
3. Make A Shortlist
Once you've decided on the location and the type of venue you want, you a ready to begin using all your free time on researching the different venues. We decided to stay within our local area, and because of this, there were a few venues I was already aware of and I already knew I wanted to see. There are SO many websites that list hundreds of venues across the UK. Google is your best friend. Make sure you factor your price range when it comes to researching your venues, so you know which venues to rule out and which ones to keep. My shortlist consisted of 3 venues.
4. Make Appointments
Now that your shortlist is complete, start making appointments to view the venues. Pictures online aren't always true to life, so it's best to make sure you see your potential venue in the flesh. For example, the second venue we saw, whilst I'd always loved it in the past, once I was viewing it for wedding purposes and the wedding dedicated rooms, there was something that just wasn't working for me. I also found one staff member slightly, unusual, and I wasn't sure how I felt having my wedding in their hands because they came across very disorganised. 
5. You Will Know
Once we went to view the third venue, as soon as we were walking up the drive, I was like "this is it." It was everything I had imagined. It was perfect, we both loved the venue and knew that was to be the one. If it doesn't feel right, it probably isn't right. So keep viewing until you get that feeling, you will know.
6. You've Got Your Venue!
So you've found the perfect venue, check with them that your chosen date is free.. and get it booked. 
Yay! You've got your venue. 

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  2. Very nice and edifying post! it was very much needed. I am also getting married by the end of this year and we have shortlisted some of the Los Angeles event venues for the day. I hope I am able to manage it well and in the budget. Thanks for this helpful post.

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