by - December 15, 2017

The Soph X Makeup Revolution Eyeshadow Palette has become my most used palette at the moment. I use it every single day and for that reason, I decided to purchase Soph's highlighter palette. I knew it was going to be amazing, I had no doubts about that, and I want to tell you just how right I was. 
The palette features 8 gorgeous highlighters; 4 of which are pressed and 4 of which are baked. One thing I noticed as soon as I started to swatch them, was just how soft they are. I'm not sure if that's a random thing to notice or not, but I thought it was a valid point to include because so many I've tried in the past feel "hard".. almost as though the highlighter doesn't want to budge from the pan. (Do you feel me?) However these transfer so effortlessly, I barely used any weight on the brush when applying the highlight to my cheek.
If you're after a new highlight, or you're not sure what type to go for, then get this palette. Amongst the 6 shades, there will be a highlighter in there for you. I've purchased so many in the past that just don't suit me, don't look natural or just generally don't "do it for me". However, these are just stunning and catch the light so nicely. One that particularly stood out to me was the gold shade. It's a beauty and a single swatch of this showed up so well. It's super warm, but packed with so much sparkle.. especially perfect for a Christmas makeup look. The silver highlight in the top left also looks SUPER cute as a nose highlight.
At just £8 this palette is a gem. You won't be disappointed (and whilst you're at it, give the eyeshadow palette a whirl too!) If you want to see more, I'll be updating this post in the next few days and adding a link to a YouTube video I've filmed where I test and swatch the palette.
If you're interesting in purchasing the palette you can get it from Superdrug & Tam Beauty

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  1. This looks stunning on you! Soph is such a gorgeous gal and this palette is beautiful. Definitely want to pick it up x Nikita

    BLOG//Jasmine Loves

    1. Thanks lovely <3 Yeah I love Soph! Definitely go and pick it up, you won't regret it! xx
