by - July 23, 2017

I recently picked up the Yankee Candle in the scent Sea Air. I got it at an absolute bargain at half the price, and it's a new scent. I'm not entirely sure why, I mean, I'm not complaining, but my local garden centre was selling two of the new candles at £11.99. They were down from £21.99 and if I'm honest, I rarely buy the large ones as they are so expensive, so I jumped at the chance to buy this.

Funnily enough, I very almost purchased one of their christmas candles that was going for £6. I'm not even sure if I 100% liked the scent, but it was a large Yankee candle for £6 purely because it was Christmas stock. I wasn't going to refuse that. That was until I spotted the new range, and then the Christmas candle didn't stand a chance. 

This smells so fresh. It's kind of like, the clean cotton candle, mixed with.. dove soap and fresh air. Yep that's the comparison we are going with. There was another new one that I didn't purchase, but now I really want to go back and get it. I mean, I intend to fill our new house with great smelling candles, so I may as well.. right? I've already bought 3 large candles for our house. I also have three very pretty lanterns which also need candles to go in them, so that gives me a nice excuse to buy more. 

Go see if you can find it. I'm not sure if you can get it in the tea light versions yet, but I assume you can! Check your garden centres first, you might find a bargain. If all fails, buy a Christmas candle. 

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  1. You got such a bargain and this sounds like it smells amazing! Definitely going to try and find it to give it a smell!xx

    Hannah | luxuryblush
